January 17, 2010

PJ Day

So I woke up this morning at 9:30...ok well I woke up at 7, then 8:15, then 8:45 then 9:30...stupid new job throwing off my lazy biological clock. I miss staying up till 3 and sleeping till 10...ok thats off topic so ignore it!

So I woke up at 9:30, ate breakfast then animated and watched How I Met your Mother till 3:30! Then I played Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap from 3:30 till 8:30 (with how I met your mother on in the background. All of this was done while never changing from my PAJAMAS. And it hit me, this is exactly what I want to do with my life. I want to animate all morning and game all night. And whenever possible I want to not change out of my PAJAMAS. So theres the dream, now to accomplish it.

On a more real note, my new job was going well until they revealed to me that I have to give evil people waivers cause they complain and I can't give nice people in real trouble extensions if they are late...even if there late because of the real troubles! (I work in collections if I haven't said that already) Suddenly I'm a evil corprate bastard and I hate myself. To top that off my Grand Aunt (is that what you call a grandfathers sister) died, which means nothing to me cause I didn't know her, but is destroying my grandfather. He's questioning his mortality and emotional and had to go to the hospital cause it affected his heart. Thank god he's fine now, but still, I love my grandfather and have nothing but respect for the man. He's inspired me to be the person I am today so seeing this happen to him is killing me.

Thank god I was able to have a pajama day and just not worry about those things for awhile.

January 13, 2010

Job or Career

So I had been happy with my new job with Honda for the last two weeks until today. I was planning to go out to get drinks with new co-workers, who frankly I don't really like, because I thought I should be social. Then my trainer came up to me and was like "your going out to party with the guys? Don't do it they corrupt you." At first I thought she kidding but she revealed to me that she wasn't and that she actually thought I had great potentional. She started saying something about being able to make this job into a solid career. Saying how it took her two years to get a job from being a temp and has a evolving career for fourteen years. She saw the same potential in me.

Then I call my mom about it kinda weirded out, when she mentions she dropped of some info to my temp agency cause they had faxed it to her house and I'm always working when their open. The owner who interviewed me aparantly wouldn't stop talking about how amazing I was and the potential I had. Mom thought she was just being kind to a parent, but after trying to leave a few times and being brought back into the conversation about me she realized I did have some effect on her. And what topped it was the owner's son just got a job at the same place as me and the interview said, and my mom quotes, "I hope my son has the same energy your son does."

Now to top off this cake of confusion, when I worked at radioshack my boss relied heavily on me even though hated her and she wasn't to found of me. She did not respect me as a person, but she recognized that I was a good worker and when I quite she said she wished I wouldn't go because I was the only employie that she could count on to get things done around there. Then one of my ex-co-workers who had become a manager while I was working there was surprised I left and so was my one friend whos a overly exsperienced 44 year old. I asked both why and they both thought I was gonna take my radioshack career to a management level.

So now I'm confused. Why does everyone think I'm out to make every job a career? Why does everyone keep thinking I'm some super go getting person who can make any job a career? In my dream world I would animate by day, game by night and have amazing adventures. And some how all my bills would be paid and I wouldn't to worry about money cause it would magically appear (I'm guessing I'd have to marry a super rich lady for that last part...but thats neither here nor there). At no point has any of these jobs been a career to me. I don't honestly even want animation to be my career, I just want to do it cause I love it. But, I do have to make money some how and I can't imagine a better way to make money then to do one of the things I love most in the world. Only other method would be to play videa games all day and get paid (and no I don't mean a game tester, I mean just get paid to play games as much as I see fit).

I don't know, I guess all and all I'm just confused about this X factor so many people seem to be seeing in me recently.

January 7, 2010

10 Steps

So with my final day of training at work came a book of stupid facts, ideas and motos for me to read. I read through it during my breaks today, and most of it was complete "nothing is impossible" crap that I've been hearing for years. One thing though stuck out and I actually felt like I learned from. I'm re-wording it to make it work out side of collections, but the same ideas.

10 Steps to Negotiations:

1)Maximum Strength: State exactly what you want. Don't try and modify for the person your talking too, start with what you want and let them do the same.

2)All Facts: Why? I.E. the differences, reasons and what needs to be worked out.

3)Offer Help: Show you want to resolve the problem in a way that will help both parties.

4)Next Offer: Allow the other person to speak their offer help.

5)Counter Offer: Empathize with second person, but hold strong till you confirm the inability to meet your goal.

6)Educate: Explain why your plan is best by listing the advantages. Allow the other person to do the same.

7)Equal Exchange: Don't give without recieving.

8)Mutually Agree: Focus on what factors you have incommon, not whats different.

9)Motivate: Sell your desires and ideas in a way that is exciting and will cause others to be excited about them.

10)Treat as Equal: Don't be a dictator, try and find mutual ground and agree on a mutually benificial final result.

Ok, now I'll admit they aren't really steps, more like 10 things you should do, but I still thought "man, the world would be so much better if we just did all these things."
Oh, and the original did say "don't be a dictator" so I had to not modify that...cause I mean when I read that at 10 in the morning I was kinda taken of guard.

January 5, 2010

Deep and Meaningfull 2

So I wanted my first blog entry to be deep and meaningful and I was going to write about a experience I had recently....but I'm tired and stressed thanks to work so I'm going to go with something stupid instead. You've been warned.


1) Adam West: Because frankly he's at the top of every list I write ever, even the list for greatest cheese's (though extra extra sharp chedder was a close runner up).
2) Sean Connery: Cause...I mean...Come on it's Sean F'ing Connery
3) Kevin Conroy: Cause no one else can voice batman!
4) Carles Martinet: He's the voice of Mario since 1994...and thats when Mario got a voice!
5) Stephen Fry: Hitchhikers guide to the galexy, then top it off with little big planet and you got a winning voice and the ability to show it.

Runners up:
-Daran Norris: J. Jonah Jameson from spiderman, Mercurymon from digimon, Salvador Aihara from .Hack//G.U. Mans got my respect.
-Sam Witwer: He's touched star wars, superman, dexter and battle star galactica. I mean thats nerd points right there. He's also only 32 so yeah, thats awesome.

Ok, next time be ready for something a bit more...real.