July 22, 2010

Vol. 6 review!!!

You know what would make buying Scott Pilgrim amazing? Having chest pains that cause you to go to the hospital but just turns out to not be a heart problem and is just torn muscles....alright so that's what happened to me!

Review time!

Alright, I'm a huge fan of the series so I am a bit of a "this series can't do any wrong" but hey, reviewers agree with me, so let's just get into it!

Story: What makes a good ending? Answering all the questions from previous books, facing all your demons, growing into a better person, and loving the entire ride. Scott pulled it all off, and kept the awesome subtleness each volume had. The conclude stories spanning all the books and after the conclusion of Stephen Stills story, I went back and skimmed vol. 5 and realized that hinted the conclusion in that volume! The story is solid and keeps you guessing, but still gives you enough hints that your 100% shocked. My only complaint, the final ending was great, but felt like there could be more added. Maybe not a Scott Story, but one of the other people in his life, like Knives, could get a side story written in a brand new style the fits her personality more.

Writing: Funny, clever, and well thought out. The characters feel like real people dealing with real problems, but in crazy ass ways. It's well written and keeps you wanting to read more, especially if your into random comments that are just bizarre but make perfect since in context.

Art: Many complain the art of these comics is childish. It isn't childish, just simple, but that doesn't mean it was always good. Vol. 1 had good designs and dynamic poses, but the line quality sucked and characters did break from model. It seems 6 years is a perfect amount of time to master your art cause all the flaws from Vol. 1 are completely gone in vol. 6.

All and all, I'm happy! Always good to not be upset by your nerd loves.

Oh, and to top it off there are two more clips and one more trailer for the movie and all of them seem great and fairly accurate. The only real changes to the story I've seen are in the Vol. 6 parts, but Edger Wright already warned us he made it a bizarro version of the comic ending and Bryan Lee O'Malley helped write it so we should be good! I'm excited and we all know a review is on the way when that and the game come out!

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